Friday, June 18, 2010
Renee and I have been on a journey in ministry together for 11 1/2 years now. She is my partner. We have some news that we want to share with you next Thursday at Prime that we hope will be a blessing. It's hard to listen to the voice of God sometimes, especially when it's not comfortable. But, there is GREAT blessing in following the Lord's voice. He is our Great Shepherd and we will follow him with our lives!
Can't wait to tag-team with John next week as we share some important news, hope you'll be able to make it.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010 we go. We have been praying about a move to Thursdays for a long time and have decided that the summer is the perfect time for the change. In other good news, we've decided to meet EVERY week throughout the summer and not just once a month. In other words, we heard you.
Now it's your turn. There is something that we at Prime cannot do, reach out to your friends. We need your help. You can bring someone with you on Thursday, June 17th for the kickoff of Summer Prime. We want this to be the best summer ever.
Welcome again to our new graduates. We would be honored for you to join us at Prime and throughout the summer with the great activities being planned. And, there are 2 Dynamic Sunday School classes being started just for you. So, stay together with your group (if you like) and join us on Sundays at 9:30am or 11:00am in the B-210 hallway (top of the B-building) starting June 20th! Also, make sure to join us on FB so you can keep up with the updates.
Great things ahead,
Friday, May 21, 2010
New Additions!
We are looking forward to seeing you this Monday night at Prime.
It's a worship night- look forward to seeing everyone.
Volleyball, great food, & an awesome Prime.
See you at 7:30pm at the Warehouse.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Links from last Monday's "Bridges II" series on why you can trust the Bible as the ultimate authority (Statistics of the Bible's Power) (Is the Bible trustworthy?) (Illustration of Bible text manuscript tree and variant readings) (Prophecy, the Bible and Jesus)
Hey guys,
Here is the exhaustive list of links I promised you at Prime. There is plenty to go through, but how cool! Truth is on our side, so it's not like we have to take a "blind leap of faith". There is no question that there is a HUGE element of faith, but history speaks and confirms. We have a reliable collection of historical documents with specific names, dates, & places. The prophecies from the Bible do not deal with vague generalities; they are specific and verifiable. Remember, you'll never have enough knowledge (1 Corinthians 13:8-12). And, knowledge puffs up....but love builds up. Our ACTION STEP in this week is to allow God to use us to BUILD UP as we gain more knowledge of who our awesome God is.....enjoy your study time! Just don't forget to apply it during the week!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
We bridge from one situation to the next in our lives. Seasons come and go and situations can change on a dime! Come check out Prime in the next few weeks and let's explore some of the "AH HA" moments of the Old and New Testament. Hear it through the ears of the 1st century listener. Make sense of some of those rogue, Old testament sayings. See how the Bible continues to be the ultimate authority for life and godliness.
Make sure your relationship, your bridge, is intact.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
If you can remember one thing this week, remember that the vastness and magnificence of nature (created by God) should drive us to be a humble people. Greatness often times produces humility, and rightly so.
Remember, if you say- like Jeremiah, "I do not know how to speak; I am only a child," that God touched his mouth and put the words in them, then he said to go unafraid, He'll be with us and will rescue us. Gotten in to trouble lately for standing up for the cause of Christ? Maybe it hasn't been a priority. I hope you'll "stop, turn around" and then walk straight at the Savior. Let Him be your guiding light, your compass. Don't spend your life walking in circles. Be a World Changer, one person at a time. Then, bring them with you to a place where God can work in them (PRIME), and watch God work.
See you Monday as we celebrate the Magnificent Jesus, Easter is on the way!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Where is your focus this week?
Think of it more as "while you are going". You can practice the eternal by:
1. Setting your mind on things above (Col. 3:1-4)
2. Become daily in experience what we are in our position in Christ (Rom 6)
3. Take a journey to the eternal through the portal of the Word (John 1:1-5, 14-18)
What about this?
1. Find joy in everything, give thanks as you go.
2. Love life, live it to the full for a purpose greater than your own (the kingdom)
3. Pray as you are going in your spirit, stay connected to your Father in Heaven.
4. Ask God to help you continually make wise decisions and to avoid evil
These are just a few practical ways to practice the eternal. Remember, you are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes (James 4:14b), BUT you are SO valued by God. Make your life count. Be a light. Invite someone to Prime with you this week that you would not normally invite. You never know what God may do in their life. It could make an eternal difference and it will give you a whole new perspective!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
It can be a really bad thing , it can also be a really good thing.
That was the topic of this week's message.
We learned that there are bad, isolating secrets and there are secrets that lead to reward.
Jesus told us to let these 3 things be a secret and not for the whole world to see:
(Matthew 6:1-18)
1. Your giving
2. Your praying
3. Your fasting
I challenged everyone to pick one of the three in this week and to pursue it with great passion. As it is done in secret, where only your Heavenly Father can see, it will be rewarded. And, His reward system is greater than this world's. There is not even a comparison.
Remember the Mark Twain quote, "Everyone is like a moon, each has a dark side that they don't want to be seen." We talked about how God sees all and how we will all account for what we have said and done while here on this earth. God is full of grace and forgiveness, but will still require an account of us, just like the Tiger Woods press conference- accounting for his mistakes. That could have been each of us. The difference is that we will be accounting and accumulating or forfeiting rewards for crowns to lay at the feet of Jesus, the one who made possible the way for us to recieve a full pardon from our sin. (1 Corinthians 9:25/ 2 Timothy 4:7-8) Unbelievers will be accounting for their decision to reject Jesus which will result in judgement and eternal separation from a holy and loving God. (Matthew 12:36-37/ Romans 14:10-12/Matthew 25:31-46) You ask yourself, how can a Holy and Loving God let people go to hell? That's a long answer. http:// Try this link for starters.
I hope you have a "quiet" week, one that connects with a great rewarder!
http:// (If you need encouragement)
Next week we finish up the Jekyll & Hyde series.
We will look at the Temporal and Eternal, very different.
Where do you live?
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
1. Use wisdom in what you watch- don't just go the way of the crowd if the spirit of God is telling you you should not watch's not playing the spoiler, it's protecting your eyes, the gateway to your soul.
2. Use wisdom in what you listen too- words do affect our minds and send us to places in our minds that are not pleasing to God if we are not careful. "But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed" (James 1:14) If what you are listening too or watching begins to lead you down the road of enticement, get off the road quickly.
3. Call out to God with your requests and do it with thanksgiving. (Phil. 4:4-7) He will guard your heart as you call out to him.
4. Don't "overshare" in a new relationship. Reserve that for a close circle friend.
5. Submit to God (strengths & weaknesses) BEFORE you get into a difficult situation so that you KNOW what your response will be before you get there. And, don't walk into danger willingly. Avoid it. Unless you are purposefully sharing the gospel and have all kinds of "Green Lights" from the Lord. Even then, include others for accountability.
6. Don't put your trust in man, put your trust in God. Matthew 6:33
At the same time, don't grow bitter towards people and pretend like it's just "you and Jesus". You need people and people need you. Together, we are the church, the Body of Christ.
Well, those are just some practical steps to guarding your heart. Obviously, there are many more that could make the list. Looking forward to Monday night and talking about "secret sins". I know, these are not easy subjects to listen too, but I would rather root out the problem and deal with it than sit around and laugh and deny that anything is wrong. The truth is too important to freedom.
Live free,
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The struggle within-
"God tests us to confirm our faith, the devil tempts us to make us fall".
Great reminders. There is a "bottom line" when it comes to temptation. The Bible promises an out every time (1 Corinthians 10:13). And, we can take heart to know that Jesus Christ was tempted in every way we have been, yet was without sin (Hebrews 4:15-16). Listen now to what the Bible says we can do, pretty awesome: "Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of GRACE, that we may obtain MERCY and find grace to HELP in time of NEED" (obvisouly, my emphasis added to Hebrews 4:16).
There is a place you can go when tempted. That place offers help. The throne is not just some distant place that houses those who don't know what we are going through. The throne houses the One who walked where we walked, was confronted with the temptations and trials of this life, and is residence to the only One to ever pass through without sin. This is the same Jesus that says he prays for us. Wow.
There is so much opportunity to escape temptation. There is ample room for mercy and grace when you need the help. The throne room calls out to you to deny the lures of temptation and embrace the One who can help you "stand up under it". Today, this can be an overcomer. Don't try it in your own strength. Lean on His. He resides in the Heavenlies and His mercies are new every single day.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
God designed us for relationship.
Many run from it.
Others run over it.
Still some seem to have a seemless time finding "the one". (Why not me, right?)
"Is there a formula to follow? Or am I doing something wrong? Hello up there? Can you hear me?"
If that at all sounds like some of the conversations in your head in your past, you need to be there for the next series on "How to do Relationships". Mondays 7:30pm- Warehouse.
Steve and Kelly will lead this night coming from two very different stages in life. Steve, married at 28 (almost 11 years) with a 2 1/2 yr. old and one on the way, and Kelly, single- having spent 10 years of her life on the mission field, she represents joy and purpose to everyone who knows her and looks in on her life. Married or single, God never changes. We must.
We hope to see you this Monday night!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Last night, we looked at Luke 24:36-48 after Jesus had resurrected from the dead, walked among the disciples along the road to Emmaeus and showed up in the middle of a room where the disciples were meeting in Jerusalem. He basically said this (my paraphrase). "I'm not a ghost, come and see and feel. And, give me something to eat". Then, he tells them what their job is and where it is to start.....Jerusalem. Right where they were. Home. We know that the goal is to get the gospel to the whole world, but there has to be a starting point. That starting point is here, home...Jerusalem for us.
That's why we decided to plant a church on the campus of KSU in the Fall of 2010. As many of you heard at our last Prime, meetings have been happening on campus since the Fall of 2009. And, it is our desire to take the gospel to that campus since we have long realized that the campus is not coming to us. 20+ of you responded to the call to help. Many more will follow. We believe that it is our job to move the Kingdom forward without regard to who gets the credit. I hope that wherever you are, you'll get involved in Kingdom work. Join the Campus Church team, join your local church, and certainly feel free to join the movement at Prime.
Keep reaching,
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
We watched in this last Prime how injustice has been exposed in different ways in the past- The Humane Society's commercials, the re-education and rehabilitation of the Ecuadorian Condor, and the brave story of Mamie Till in the death of her son, Emmit. These are just a few of the instances where the greater public was allowed to look in on the injustice of a situation. And because of the public outcry, transformation has been and is happening. Why can't we apply that same standard to the value of life? We watched how a 9 week old baby, just formed, has incredible reflexes that early in developement! My wife, Renee is now 10 weeks pregnant, so that moment was pretty meaningful to me. We introduced the ministry of Justice For All last night. They are applying the same principles as Ghandi did, as the Humane Society did, as Mamie Till did, and even the Ecuadorian Condor program did. JFA wants to educate the next generation and at least ask the hard questions, but do it in a tone that is honoring to God, I believe. They operate shoulder to shoulder, discussing the issues, relaying truth- not face to face to try and win an argument. You see, way too many people have been stung by the heartache of abortion. Many have thought that it was their only way out. God's grace is big enough for the most difficult situation and His forgiveness will always extend beyond comprehension. There is forgiveness and healing for those who have chosen that path.
And, there are options for those who are contemplating the decision to take a life. JFA represents the hands and feet of Christ to people regardless of where they stand on the issue. They want to make a difference in this world. That's what makes them "World Changers". What are you doing in your world this week?
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
See ya next Monday if not before,
Monday, January 4, 2010
What a great year we experienced in 2009, just looking back- Here are some of the ways Prime has been involved in our world: