Friday, January 30, 2009

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts higher than your thoughts." ISAIAH 55:9

My 7 year old niece loves clothes and is quite choosy about the color and texture of most everything she puts on. One day last week she decided she was ready to go fashion “solo” for school. Sure enough, she was dressed and ready (even on time!) for two days straight. On the third day, she came to my sister and said “Mom, you need to put my clothes out for me again. I’m just too little for this much pressure.”

Out of the mouths of babes.

The more I study, the more I discover how much I do not know. I pray often that God would give me a teachable heart and a greater capacity to learn His ways. But I accept the fact that I will never know it all. There are clear limitations to what we have the capacity and intelligence to understand.

The Bible is the source for everything we need to know for this life (2 Pet 1:3), including how to know Him and receive eternal life through faith in His Son. But if the Bible doesn’t seem to have an answer to a question… be careful not to doubt the answers it has given you. There is so much about this universe and the God who made it that we simply do not know. The bottom line is on this side of life we will never fully understand God, or all of His ways. His purposes and what He has chosen to reveal to us of them, are moving forward according to His timetable.

As we continue to enjoy learning more about Him each week, let’s remember that He has chosen to reveal incredible truths to us. That gives us the awesome opportunity to study and learn from the treasure of His Word. It also gives us the opportunity to learn to trust Him with the things we do not understand.
Ps 91:1

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

When God interrupts…

WORSHIP The act of paying honor to a deity; religious reverence and homage.

Last night at Prime, we enjoyed an interruption by God. As we asked Him to do, He led us. And following the leadership of attentive servants, we ended up spending our entire night singing praises and worshipping our Lord.

“From there he went on toward the hills east of Bethel and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. There he built an altar to the LORD and called on the name of the LORD.” Gen 12:8

Worship is giving God the best that He has given you. Be careful with what you do with the best you have. Whenever you get a blessing from God, give it back to Him as a love gift. Take time to meditate before God and offer the blessing back to Him in a deliberate act of worship. If you hoard a thing for yourself, it will turn into spiritual dry rot, as the manna did when it was hoarded. God will never let you hold a spiritual thing for yourself, it has to be given back to Him that He may make it a blessing to others.

Bethel is the symbol of communion with God; Ai is the symbol of the world. Abraham pitched his tent between the two. The measure of worth of our public activity for God is the private profound communion we have with Him. Rush is wrong every time, there is always plenty of time to worship God. Quiet days with God may be a snare. We have to pitch our tents where we will always have quiet times with God, however noisy our times with the world may be. There are not three stages in spiritual life – worship, waiting and work. Some of us go in jumps like spiritual frogs, we jump from worship to waiting, and from waiting to work. God’s idea is that the three should go together. They were always together in the life of our Lord. He was unhasting and unresting. It is a discipline, we cannot get into it all at once.

- Oswald Chambers

What a joy it is to seek truth and worship Him. I wonder what He will do next Monday…


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What a great kickoff to the new year! And, what a great turnout last night.
We are expecting great things in 2009. Chris Coleman and the PRIME band did a great job last night and we are looking forward to having Seth Condrey with us this week (yes...I made a boo-boo when announcing that he would be here this past week, sorry Charlie).

We spent a couple of hours on Tuesday at Kennesaw State University with our friends from the Baptist Collegiat Ministries, handing out 25 boxes of free pizza and invites for PRIME. We want everyone in Atlanta to know that we are there every Monday!

Make sure to join us next Monday for the continuation of Dave's series, "Field Tested". And, bring a friend to our Visitor's Reception with Dave/Band/PRIME leaders after it's over. We'd be honored to get to meet our first time guests.

Mondays are good again in '09,

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

PRIME is back Monday, January 12, 2009 at 7:30pm.
Dave's New Series "Field Tested" and Seth Condrey & the Prime Band.
See you there!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Christmas Eve I pulled my 3 year old nephew close and asked “If you could be either a cowboy or an Indian, which would you be?” Unbeknownst to him, I was getting him ready for the tan cowboy chaps that were hidden beneath the pretty paper in the box he’d been dying to open all day.

His eyes lit up and he leaned into my face and whispered… “A mermaid.”

You can imagine my surprise.

The air is full (aside from the falling rain) of the crisp hope of a new year, a new start. Enjoy this new year… think outside the box. This journey we’re all on called life is full of joys and sorrows and I truly believe they all add up to help us know and understand our purpose and the One who designed us for this journey.

Enjoy your new start, enjoy being who your Creator made you to be, and most of all enjoy pursuing Truth.

Look forward to seeing you next week!

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jer. 29:13

Christmas Eve I pulled my 3 year old nephew close and asked “If you could be either a cowboy or an Indian, which would you be?” Unbeknownst to him, I was getting him ready for the tan cowboy chaps that were hidden beneath the pretty paper in the box he’d been dying to open all day.

His eyes lit up and he leaned into my face and whispered… “A mermaid.”

You can imagine my surprise.

The air is full (aside from the falling rain) of the crisp hope of a new year, a new start. Enjoy this new year… think outside the box. This journey we’re all on called life is full of joys and sorrows and I truly believe they all add up to help us know and understand our purpose and the One who designed us for this journey.

Enjoy your new start, enjoy being who your Creator made you to be, and most of all enjoy pursuing Truth.

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jer. 29:13

See you next week!

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