Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What a great way to bring 2008 to a close, hope you enjoyed our last Prime of the year last night. What a blast! We had three winners in our "Tacky Christmas Sweater Contest", and enjoyed closing out the year with Dave Edwards and our musical guests Seth Condrey and Chris Coleman.

We wish you a blessed Christmas and New Year with your families, and we'll see you at the next Prime... January 12th, 2009!

Where are your sweaters fellas?

... there they are!

Thank you to all of you for making our last Prime of 2008 special! Blessings on you and your family as you celebrate Christmas and the New Year. We'll see you January 12, 2009!

Curtis in his Christmas digs

Rob, you wear it well!

Nice Tacky Christmas sweaters!

Where are your sweaters guys?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ok, so I got home with a little light left in the day (a pretty rare occasion), and got overly ambitious. I grabbed the Christmas lights and step ladder and darted outside. My house is comfortably situated on a hill. Let me clarify, I have friends that have refused to park in the drive for fear their brakes would give in to the grade… so suffice it to say it’s pretty steep.

My project began well using clips and a nifty pole to attach lights to the gutter, which appeared rather simple in the instruction pictures. About 6 minutes into my fun little Christmas project I had almost given up… the pole wouldn’t lock and kept collapsing each time I would almost reach the edge of the gutter and the clips were flimsy and popped off breaking into pieces. In my impatience I threw the not so helpful pole aside, climbed up on the handrail, leaned out over the edge and put the clips on with my bare hands. I have a few splinters to prove it.

About the time I neared the corner, holding on with one arm and reaching well beyond where I should have been (feeling pretty good about my progress I might add) I glanced down. Suddenly I realized I was leaning out over what would be a 12 foot fall onto hard concrete and at that moment my feet didn’t feel so sturdy.

Now I didn’t fall… as an experienced klutz this would not have been unfamiliar territory. But as I finished those last few clips the words of one of my favorite Psalms came into my mind. I have to admit the only verse I could recall (over and over for those final few reaches) was “He will not allow your foot to slip”.

Before I went to sleep that night I read through the rest of Ps 121, and was reminded once again what a privilege it is to worship a God who watches over my steps (even when they might be careless), does not grow tired or need sleep, protects me from evil and (this is so powerful) keeps my soul.

The more I learn of Him, the more I trust Him.

He will not allow your foot to slip.
He who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, He who keeps Israel
Will neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord is your keeper.
The Lord is your shade at your right hand.
The sun will not smite you by day
Nor the moon by night.
The Lord will protect you from all evil.
He will also keep your soul.
The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in
From this time forth and forever.
Ps 121:3-8

Fill it up one more time...
PRIME adds December 22nd date!

We only have 2 gatherings left in '08, so make sure to stop by the Warehouse and see us at 7:30pm. on Dec. 15th & 22nd.
We're also collecting candy and donations for our Single Parent project coming up on Dec. 19th at the church. Feel free to bring it with you on the 15th. We'll be collecting it on that night.

See you Monday!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008 at 04:01PM
This image cracks me up. What's funny about it is that I had a Costa Rican teenager show it to me during a mission trip two years ago. It's never quite left me...."Charlie....Charlie...Chaarrrrrlllliiieeee". It gives me nightmares. At the same time, I have that same type of dry humor. It's a love/hate relationship.
How is it that this video still plays in my mind? It's triggered at different times...someone says something or I meet someone named "Charlie". Wow, these things are powerful and often times very annoying.
There are plenty of things that annoy me. On the top of my list would be taking my dog out to "go potty" (you learn these sayings when you have a little girl in the house). I am on the dog's time schedule, not mine. That doesn't sit well with me, especially when it's 4 degrees, raining, and he's out smelling the roses and enjoying the scenery. I tend to say things that I have to apologize for later (just seeing if you are awake...I don't apologize to my dog). But, I do think of what it would be like for someone to put that kind of pressure on me in that vulnerable time...but I digress.
That's just one annoying thing that really gets my goat. There are others of course.
Thank God for his patience. It gives me a standard to shoot for. I recall a time when two blind men were begging on the side of the street (Matt.20:29-34) as the multitudes came walking by, and Jesus. When these guys heard Jesus was passing by, they became annoying (from our point of view). They began to "cry out" saying "Have mercy on us, O Lord, son of David!"
When they cried out like that, the multitude (disciples included I'm sure) told them to be quiet! You know what they did? They got more annoying. The Bible says "they cried out all the more". Here's the difference. We see annoying, just like the crowd. Jesus stood still and called to them. He asked them the question, "What do you want me to do for you?" They responded that "their eyes would be opened".
Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. And immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed him.
Next time someone gets on your nerves, remember the compassion of Jesus.
And, next time you have a need in your life, maybe you need to become a little more "annoying".

Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 04:45PM

I remember those early days on the playground when a juicy secret was usually offered only with a double cross of the heart and a promise to stick a needle in an eye if not kept. Growing up with two siblings, I had plenty of chances to keep (and even more often leak) little secrets. There was always such an excitement that came from the keeping to the telling.

When someone confides in me today I don’t usually have to cross and pledge, but it’s really not that different. Years later I think I can honestly say I’ve learned the value of keeping confidences without the need for crosses or needles. I have also learned that when someone confides in me, it deepens the bond between us. It conveys the message that this person considers me trustworthy and that he / she is willing to place in my possession something that is of great value to him. More often than not, I am far more touched by the gesture than I am by the secret itself. To be told a secret is about being chosen, set apart because a secret by its very nature is something that is not known to everyone.

Being entrusted with a secret by someone is an awesome privilege; being entrusted with a secret by God Himself is the ultimate.

In John 2:1-11 we get a glimpse of Jesus at the wedding of a friend and are privy to His very first miracle. The wine runs out early, and at the request of His mother Jesus instructs the servants to fill six stone jars with water then to serve some to the master of the reception. What must have gone through their minds? They knew what they had put into those jars. As we read on, we learn that the master of the reception not only drank water that had been turned into wine, but was shocked that the bridegroom had saved his best for the end of the party. But did you see it?

“He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew.”

In the midst of the live music, honored guests, fancy clothes, a bride, bridegroom, and master, the lowly servants were the ones who held the sacred knowledge of where this wine had come from!

The servants’ job that day in Cana was more than likely what they did everyday. They held one of the most humble and lowly positions in life, but in the end they enjoyed something more precious than anyone else in the room; the intimate confidence of the Savior. They listened to the voice of Jesus and quietly filled His request, and in the midst of their faithful service received a revelation they could have never imagined.

I am challenged by their faithful service, and eager response to the voice of Christ. Out of all those that were in that place, God chose to reveal Himself through a miracle to those who were simply obeying in the “dailyness” of life.

Enjoy Him this week,


Thursday, September 25, 2008 at 06:44PM
If you live anywhere in the Atlanta area, you too have enjoyed the unexpected gas shortages of recent days. Many of us have pulled into a station only to find it empty, or at painfully high prices when we finally hit the jackpot.
Today I waited for 20 minutes in line at a local station with about 939 other nearly empty (and impatient) drivers. Although I’m better at it than I used to be, patience has never been a particular strength. But today was a rare exception, I was sincerely grateful to have found a source of gas after much searching. After witnessing some near brawls, I left happily (and poorer) with my tank full.
“ but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14
Jesus explains to a Samaritan woman at a well that He could offer her a drink of a different kind - a water that wouldn’t run dry, or fail to quench thirst. I’ve thought about this verse many times, and wondered “Lord, I get spiritually thirsty a lot, and I know people that get tired, weary and thirsty too”. Whether it’s a gas shortage, broken relationship or circumstances beyond our control one thing is clear… life is hard. What did He mean that if we drink the water He offers we would never thirst again?
I’m no scholar, but I think that the key is realizing the source. I’ve found Christ to be the only real source of forgiveness and relief for my soul, and unlike gas these days, His offer never runs out. If we’ve never met Him there, that is our first invitation. If we’ve already met Him and experienced forgiveness, the point is not that we’ll never become spiritually “thirsty” again. I think the point is that when we do get “thirsty”, we now know where to go to get our thirst quenched.
Just like I’ll have to return for gas when I’m running low, spiritually I need to return to Him as my source to nourish my soul on a regular basis. And the good news?... That kind of source never runs dry.

Enjoy knowing Him,

Thursday, November 13, 2008 at 09:51AM
I don't know about you, but I hate to be cold. It always makes me a little sad to see Fall fade into Winter, leaving the warm days of Summer behind. I enjoy wearing jackets and sweaters for about two minutes, then I'm ready for Summer again - sunshine, tanning lotion, picnics and outdoors.
These past few mornings have helped me remember my appreciation for warm and cozy (how in the world I shivered through 9 winters in Hungary I do not know).
You know what else my warms my soul?
Snuggling with my nieces and nephew (when they slow down long enough), reading a good book by the fireplace, laughing so hard it hurts, learning something new, strong hugs on hard days, bonfires out at Brooke's place with smores and good conversation (really warm!), and...
each Monday night when we gather together and ask God to draw us a little closer through Prime. Our incredible volunteers who pour love, prayers and time into each other and those who come each week - what an honor it is to serve alongside you! I am warmed by the energy, love and truth of Mondays.
See you there!
Kel -

warming up by the fire after Prime

Break the Silence

Friday, September 12, 2008 at 08:46AM
Have you ever heard the phrase, "the silence was deafening"? What in the world does that mean? I think about the person who has no hope, sitting in their room...no where to turn, no one to turn too. That's a shame. I've been there. I remember how loud the silence was....when I first set out in college to live all out for Jesus. All of my friends all did the same things. I wanted a change. I ended up in a place of isolation after making that decision. Welcome to the desert (not the jungle).
I wouldn't change a thing. I know what it's like to hear the deafening silence. I know what it's like to not have anything to do or anyone to hang out with on Friday and Saturday night. But, I also know what it's like to see God work in ways that were unexpected and over the top. He turned those things around for me. He gave me more friends than I could have ever imagined.....all because I trusted Him in a very difficult, and dark season of my life.
You know, Jesus calls us to follow recklessly after Him. He didn't say it would be easy. Matter of fact, it's going to be very hard. I see the benefits now of choosing to follow Him despite what my circumstances looked like. Those circumstances turned around. It just took some time and a true commitment on my part, the testing in the desert.
This is one of my favorite quotes, "the people who need our help the most are the very ones who cannot ask for it". This Monday night and all the ones to follow, there will be people sitting in the silence all over Atlanta....and it will be deafening. Prime is more than a meeting. We want to break the silence in people's lives. We want to get on the journey with Jesus and recklessly throw ourselves at His feet and watch Him do "greater things" in and through us.
Keep your eyes open this week. Your invitation, your kindness can break the silence in someone's life.
Think Kingdom,

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