(Statistics of the Bible's Power) (Is the Bible trustworthy?) (Illustration of Bible text manuscript tree and variant readings) (Prophecy, the Bible and Jesus)
Hey guys,
Here is the exhaustive list of links I promised you at Prime. There is plenty to go through, but how cool! Truth is on our side, so it's not like we have to take a "blind leap of faith". There is no question that there is a HUGE element of faith, but history speaks and confirms. We have a reliable collection of historical documents with specific names, dates, & places. The prophecies from the Bible do not deal with vague generalities; they are specific and verifiable. Remember, you'll never have enough knowledge (1 Corinthians 13:8-12). And, knowledge puffs up....but love builds up. Our ACTION STEP in this week is to allow God to use us to BUILD UP as we gain more knowledge of who our awesome God is.....enjoy your study time! Just don't forget to apply it during the week!